Virmedex, nueva 'spin-off' del CREB de la UPC que crea entrenamientos virtuales basados en juegos

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In the occasion of Women Entrepreneurship Day, we discover some of the feminine profiles that are making great steps in HealthTechnology and Innovation spheres.
The new Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2021/2022 Women’s Entrepreneurship Report showed that startup rates for women dropped by 15% from 2019 to 2020, and held constant in 2021. According to a recent article published by El Referente, women account for 15.7% of startup founders in Spain.
Xartec Salut, the largest network of innovation research groups in Catalonia led by CREB UPC, joins the community celebrating the Women Entrepreneurship Day, a formative date focused on celebrating, empowering and supporting women in business as well as a journey to discuss their contributions to the entrepreneurial community.
Keep reading on Xartec Salut.
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Una spin-off creada junto con la UB que desarrolla juegos serios para la formación especializada en el ámbito médico. Un ejemplo es la plataforma para el entrenamiento en bypass cardiopulmonar (CPB) para comprender cómo hacer funcionar la bomba de circulación extracorpórea como si se estuviera dentro del quirófano.
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Virmedex cierra una ronda de Inversión liderada por Grow Venture Partners de 150.000€. La startup crea simuladores virtuales para sanitarios.
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“Si una cosa tenim les dones és la nostra sororitat i el nostre suport mutu. Entre nosaltres hem de deixar de competir, col·laborar més, crear ambient molt més flexible i que ens permetin desenvolupar-nos en tots els camps. ” Ha comentat Dani Tost.
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